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Corporate Video Sample
Milo Torres Production produced this corporate video with the lowest budget and fastest way possible. We recorded the voice over audio in our own office with our own staff and editing was done as fast as possible because it will be used in the exhibition the following day.
Note: All Photos and video clips shown here are supplied by Cabarles Flowers, no infringement of copyright is intended. We only created the script, record the voice over, and compiled the photos and video clips according to script to tell the story. Copyrights reserved to the respected owner(s) of this video clip and copyright parties.


Video marketing is no longer for companies with higher budgets, in fact, it is estimated to be the largest marketing tool in 2020. And that includes videos on youtube, facebook, linkedin and instagram!

So why should you create videos on social media?
  • it definitely gains lot of traction.
  • a single video gives you the ability to share complex stories that cannot be conveyed with single image.
  • video makes a lot of sense for visual brands that can demonstrate before and after, or a multiple of products.

Did you know that Social Media Sites are where consumers visit for their purchase decisions?

With so many benefits for both businesses and content creators, there's really no reason not to get started with videos on social media if you haven't got them already.

Get in touch with us if you need any assistance in video production, company profile, behind the scenes or releasing a new product.
